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7-Day Cucumber Diet That Drops Pounds Very Fast

The cucumber diet is an easy and fast way to lose weight and look excellent for some special occasion. Cucumbers are its main ingredients, which can be consumed in unlimited amounts.

They will boost metabolism, help digestion, and cleanse the intestines. Moreover, cucumbers fight water retention and detoxify the body. Cucumbers are low in calories, a cup of sliced cucumbers contains 14 calories only, so their consumption will help you shed extra pounds.

Cucumbers are full of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, including iron, calcium, magnesium, and vitamins C, E, and B. The high fiber content cleanses the body and boosts the metabolic function while improving the quality of the skin.

People who have tried this diet claim that it helped them lose up to ten pounds within a week or ten days. Isn’t this amazing?

Here is the diet plan you need to follow:

Mix 200g of sliced cucumbers with a low-fat yogurt.


You should eat a slice of bread and a large plate of cucumber salad for breakfast. You can occasionally eat two baked or boiled potatoes. You can drink unsweetened tea or coffee.

Another lunch alternative is a combination of tuna and sliced cucumbers, or boiled eggs and grilled white meat.

You can prepare a fruit salad for a snack, or have the following cucumber shake:


Blend the ingredients and decorate the shake with almonds, and walnuts.


Eat 300g of fruit for dinner.

Note that this diet is rigorous, and you should follow it for no more than 10 days.

Soon, everybody will notice the new you!

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